Plant Names

Plant Culture

Plant functional resistance genes identified to date in the plant kingdom with indication of donor species, related disease and pathogen

Gene Name  Donor Species  Disease  Pathogen 
Asc1  Solanum lycopersicum  Alternaria stem canker  Alternaria alternata 
At1  Cucumis melo  Cucurbit downy mildew  Pseudoperonospora cubensis 
At2  Cucumis melo  Cucurbit downy mildew  Pseudoperonospora cubensis 
Bs2  Capsicum chacoense  Bacterial spot  Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria str. 85-10 
Bs3  Capsicum annuum  Bacterial spot  Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria str. 85-10 
Bs3-E  Capsicum annuum  Bacterial spot  Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria str. 85-10 
Bs4  Solanum lycopersicum  Bacterial spot  Xanthomonas campestris 
Cf2  Solanum pimpinellifolium  Leaf mould  Passalora fulva 
Cf4  Solanum habrochaites  Leaf mould  Passalora fulva 
Cf4A  Solanum habrochaites  Leaf mould  Passalora fulva 
Cf5  Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme  Leaf mould  Passalora fulva 
Cf9  Solanum pimpinellifolium  Leaf mould  Passalora fulva 
Cf9B  Solanum pimpinellifolium  Leaf mould  Passalora fulva 
Dm-3  Lactica sativa  Downy mildew  Bremia lactucae 
EFR  Arabidopsis thaliana  Eliciting bacteria  Bacteria with flagellum 
ER-Erecta  Arabidopsis thaliana  Bacterial wilt (Arabidopsis)  Ralstonia solanacearum 
FLS2  Arabidopsis thaliana  Eliciting bacteria  Bacteria with flagellum 
Gpa2  Solanum tuberosum  Yellow potato cyst nematode  Globodera 
Gro1.4  Solanum tuberosum  Late blight potato  Phytophthora infestans 
Hero  Solanum lycopersicum  Yellow potato cyst nematode  Globodera 
Hm1  Zea mays  Leaf spot  Bipolaris zeicola 
Hm2  Zea mays  Leaf spot  Bipolaris zeicola 
HRT  Arabidopsis thaliana  Turnip crinkle virus  Turnip crinkle virus 
Hs1  Beta procumbens  Beet cyst nematode  Heterodera schachtii 
I2  Solanum lycopersicum  Fusarium wilt  Fusarium oxysporum 
L6  Linum usitatissimum  Flax rust  Melampsora lini 
LeEIX1  Solanum lycopersicum  Eliciting fungus  Fungal ethylene-inducing xylanase 
LeEIX2  Solanum lycopersicum  Eliciting fungus  Fungal ethylene-inducing xylanase 
Linum usitatissimum  Flax rust  Melampsora lini 
Mi1.2  Solanum lycopersicum  Root-knot nematode  Meloidogyne, Paratrichodorus minor 
MLA10  Hordeum vulgare  Powdery mildew (barley)  Blumeria graminis 
Mlo  Hordeum vulgare  Powdery mildew (barley)  Blumeria graminis 
Nicotiana glutinosa  Tobacco mosaic Virus  Tobacco mosaic virus 
P2  Linum usitatissimum  Flax rust  Melampsora lini 
PEPR1  Arabidopsis thaliana  Damping off  Pythium 
PGIP  Phaseolus vulgaris  Eliciting fungus  Fungus producing polygalacturonases 
Pi33  Oryza sativa  Rice blast disease  Magnaporthe grisea 
Pi-ta  Oryza sativa Japonica Group  Rice blast disease  Magnaporthe grisea 
Prf  Solanum pimpinellifolium  Bacterial speck  Pseudomonas syringae 
Pto  Solanum pimpinellifolium  Bacterial speck  Pseudomonas syringae 
R1  Solanum demissum  Late blight tomato  Phytophthora infestans 
R3a  Solanum tuberosum  Late blight tomato  Phytophthora infestans 
RCY1  Arabidopsis thaliana  Cucumber mosaic virus  Cucumber mosaic virus 
RFO1  Arabidopsis thaliana  Fusarium wilt  Fusarium oxysporum 
Rmd-c  Glycine max  Powdery mildew  Microsphaera sparsa 
RPG1  Hordeum vulgare  Stem rust  Puccinia Graminis 
Rpi-blb1  Solanum bulbocastanum  Late blight tomato  Phytophthora infestans 
Rpi-blb2  Solanum bulbocastanum  Late blight tomato  Phytophthora infestans 
RPM1  Arabidopsis thaliana  Bacterial blight  Pseudomonas syringae 
RPP13nd  Arabidopsis thaliana  Downy mildew  Hyaloperonospora parasitica 
RPP4  Arabidopsis thaliana  Downy mildew  Peronospora parasitica 
RPP5  Arabidopsis thaliana  Downy mildew  Hyaloperonospora parasitica 
RPP8  Arabidopsis thaliana  Downy mildew  Hyaloperonospora parasitica 
Rps1-k-1  Glycine max  Phytophthora root  Phytophthora sojae 
Rps1-k-2  Glycine max  Phytophthora root  Phytophthora sojae 
Rps2  Arabidopsis thaliana  Bacterial blight  Pseudomonas syringae 
Rps4  Arabidopsis thaliana  Bacterial blight  Pseudomonas syringae 
RPS5  Arabidopsis thaliana  Bacterial blight  Pseudomonas syringae 
RPW8.1  Arabidopsis thaliana  Powdery mildew  Golovinomyces cichoracearum 
RPW8.2  Arabidopsis thaliana  Powdery mildew  Golovinomyces cichoracearum 
RRS1  Arabidopsis thaliana  Bacterial wilt  Ralstonia solanacearum 
RTM1  Arabidopsis thaliana  Synergistic disease syndromes  Tobacco etch virus 
RTM2  Arabidopsis thaliana  Synergistic disease syndromes  Tobacco etch virus 
Rx  Solanum tuberosum  Latent mosaic  Potato virus X 
Rx2  Solanum acaule  Latent mosaic  Potato virus X 
RY1  Solanum tuberosum subsp andigena  Potato virus Y  Potato virus Y 
Sw5  Solanum lycopersicum  Tomato spotted wilt  Tomato spotted wilt virus 
Tm2  Solanum lycopersicum  Tobacco mosaic virus  Tobacco mosaic virus 
Tm2a  Solanum lycopersicum  Tobacco mosaic virus  Tobacco mosaic virus 
Ve1  Solanum lycopersicum  Verticillium wilt potato  Verticillium 
Ve2  Solanum lycopersicum  Verticillium wilt potato  Verticillium 
Xa1  Oryza sativa  Bacterial blight  Xanthomonas oryzae 
Xa21  Oryza sativa Indica group  Bacterial blight  Xanthomonas oryzae 


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Plant resistance Genes

These genes have been mostly isolated from the Solanaceae family (33 genes) (7,13), although others have been studied in other plants, such as Arabidopsis thaliana (21 R-genes) (14), Oryza sativa (rice, four R-genes) (15,16), Phaseulus vulgaris (bean, one R-genes) (17), Glicine max (soybean, two R-genes) (18), Zea mais (mais, two R-genes) (19) and Hordeum vulgare (barley, three R-genes) (8,20,21), Cucumis melo (melon, two R-genes) (22), Lactuca sativa (lettuce, one R-genes) (23), Beta vulgaris (beet, one R-genes) (24) Linum usatissimum (linum, three R-genes) (25–27). Data related to these genes, such as nucleotide and protein sequences, genomic location, known genetic markers and relevant information about resistance to specific diseases and pathogens, were gathered from the literature and several publicly available resources such as NCBI nucleotide, NCBI taxonomy (28) and SOL network databases (29), and manually inserted into the PRG database through a web-based system. This dataset was used both to retrieve all putative R-gene sequences from NCBI database and to build up an R-gene prediction system.

In this way, a set of 6308 annotated R-genes from 161 plants was obtained automatically using an NCBI query (see Methods section) (Figure 1B). Information such as nucleotide and protein sequences, genomic locations and structural information were automatically retrieved and imported into the PRG database. Since these genes could have been annotated in NCBI as R-genes from other predictive tools, we will refer to them from here on as ‘putative R-Genes collected from NCBI’.

Furthermore, we were able to computationally predict novel ‘putative’ R-genes from the UniGene dataset, using a home-made developed bioinformatic pipeline, Disease Resistance Analysis and Gene Orthology, (DRAGO, see ‘Methods’ section) (Figure 1C). A total of 604 981 non-redundant Unigene transcript sequences expressed in 33 different plants were translated into 488 250 potential protein sequences. Finally, a total of 10 463 sequences were identified as ‘putative R-Genes predicted from NCBI UniGene’ based on their sequence similarity and protein domain composition and imported into the PRG database.

These three distinct approaches yielded a total of 16 844 protein sequences annotated in our database as potential plant resistance genes. Of 194 plant species analyzed, 172 contained sequences related to resistance genes. A complete list of retrieved plants is available on the PRG web site under the ‘plant search’ section. In this section all putative resistance genes are divided by plant species to allow specific searches to be conducted.

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